Free shipping over 10,000 yen (excluding overseas shipping)

Notation based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Law

company name

Zamido Co., Ltd.

Business name

Ko Shiraishi

Location of business

Postal code: 104-0061

Address: 2-16-3 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Business contact information

Phone number: 03-6264-3988

Business hours: Weekdays 8: 00-19: 00
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10: 00-19: 00
No regular holiday

Selling price

The selling price will be the displayed amount (display price / consumption tax included).

Payment method and timing

Payment method: You can pay by credit card.

Payment time: Payment will be confirmed when the product order is confirmed.

Product delivery time

We will ship within 5 days of receiving your delivery request.

About returns

Basically, we do not accept returns unless the item is defective.